Where does Neil Walker Consult?
Neil Walker consults at The Sefton Suite Diagnostic Centre, 1 Kenilworth Road, Liverpool, L23 3AD
and Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Wirral, CH61 1AU
How can I be referred to Mr Walker?
Mr Walker is happy to receive referrals from a variety of sources. However you should check with your insurance company whether you require a referral letter from your family doctor. If you wish to make an appointment please contact us on the telephone number at the top of this page.
What do I need for my first appointment?
In accordance with our professional regulations, we ask that all patients are referred by another medical professional (GP, Physiotherapist, Consultant, Chiropractor).
If you have health insurance, and plan to claim for your medical treatment, you should also bring your medical insurance number and authorisation code for the consultation. The authorisation code can be obtained by contacting your insurers.
How long do I have to wait for an appointment?
Waiting times for a routine non-emergency private referral is usually less than 2 weeks.
How long will the appointment last?
The consultation time will vary depending on the complexity of your case. The average new patient consultation lasts around 20 minutes. Some conditions are very simple and a through explanation may not take even this long. Some complex conditions can take much longer. However long it takes, Mr Walker will ensure that you are given enough time to fully discuss and plan any treatment, without feeling rushed.
How much does a consultation cost?
For insured patients, the cost of an initial consultation is usually covered by the insurance policy.
For self-funding patients
Patients without insurance are welcome. The cost for self-funding patients will depend on the complexity. A new Patient consultation costs £200 and a follow up appointment is £150. If a procedure, such as a steroid injection or x-ray is required at initial consultation, the hospital will set its own additional fee. If surgery is required then we can provide a fixed rate which includes all costs (operation, hospital, anaesthesia, follow up, hand therapy).
Will I need an X-ray?
Conditions that affect bone such as fractures and arthritis often need x-rays. If required, an x-ray will be taken at initial consultation and the results discussed with you by Mr Walker. Most Insurance companies cover x-rays as part of the initial authorisation, but please check first.
What if I need another type of scan?
Scans (MRI, CT, and ultrasound) are expensive and authorisation is almost always required by the insurance companies. Scans are not usually performed on the same day as your initial consultation, but will usually be within a week. A follow-up appointment will then be required to discuss the results, after they have been reviewed by a specialist radiologist. The follow-up appointment can be made at the initial consultation.
Who will do my operation?
Mr Walker would perform all private operations. Occasionally for complex cases he is assisted by another experienced surgeon. There will be no extra costs incurred if an additional surgical assistant is required.
Who will I see after my operation?
Mr Walker will check that you are comfortable and safe to leave the hospital. You will be followed up in the outpatients department by Mr Walker, or by one of his team, which may be a specialist nurse or a dedicated hand therapist. Mr Walker usually uses absorbable sutures and these do not need removing. The first appointment after surgery varies depending upon the type of surgery, but is commonly at 6-8 weeks following the operation.
What if things go wrong?
Complications are fortunately quite rare in hand and wrist surgery. During working hours, please call Mr Walker’s secretary at the Sefton Suite for advice. For emergencies outside working hours, please call NHS 111, or attend your local Emergency Department or minor injuries unit. The closest Emergency Department to The Sefton Suite is at Aintree University Hospital; the closest Emergency Department to Spire Murrayfield is at Arrowe Park Hospital .